Monday, 10 December 2012

Game Design Document

Title:  SweepingMiner (GDD)

Author: Christopher Townson

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Module: AINT102
Version 0.0

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Scope
3. Target platform(s)
4. Development software
4.1 Engine software
4.2 Programming software
4.3 Artwork software
5. Specification
5.1 Concept
5.2 Story
5.3 Setting
5.4 Game structure
5.5 Players
5.6. Actions
5.7 Objectives
6. Graphics
6.1 Styles
6.2 Fonts
6.3 Colours
6.4 Influences
6.5 Look & Feel
7. Data storage
7.1 Local data
7.2 Online data
7.3. Social data
7.4 Statistical data
7.5 Legal and Ethical Considerations
8. Gameplay
8.1 World
8.2. Object types
8.3 Controls
8.4. Direct control
8.5 Indirect control
9. Supported hardware
10. Screens & menus
10.1. Splash Screen
10.2 Game Interface
10.3. Pause menu
10.4 Options
10.5 Game Over

1. Introduction
The game I originally set out to make was going to be a mix between a plat-former/digger game and the classic game minesweeper, but after I had to ditch the combination of the types and simply stick with a plat-former game after I was unable to make unique game mechanic work in the allotted time. 

2. Scope
Why is it? (document)

3. Target platform(s)
Flash based game websites to be used off of a computer/laptop with a qwerty keyboard.

4. Development Software
 - Stencyl Works
 -  Adobe Illustrator CS6
 - Adobe Photoshop CS6

5. Specification
The concept behind this game was going to be able to use the classic game “Minesweeper” in a modernized way, the character would be able to walk about on top of a screen full of dirt and numbers would appear above each block and by doing that the user can figure out which way to dig, if the user digs a block that has a mine under it the scene will reload. The win scenario would be if the user could dig down and find the cure for the virus underground. 

This has now been changed since that mechanic wouldn’t work. The idea now is that the user will navigate through an assault course type level, avoiding the enemy; “Viral clouds” and collect all the vials of the cure he can find. When all cure vials are collected on the level it will transition to the next, if the player touches a virus cloud then the level will reload. 

5.2 Story
The world has been infected with a virus, everyone you know is infected and if you cannot find all the cures in time they will die, Luckily for you someone has gone through a vast system of underground caverns hiding vials of the cure, go collect them, save your family and loved ones, avoid the virus.

5.3 Setting
The game is set in a vast system of underground caverns, the player is simply a man who is looking for the cure to save the people he loves, in a hazmat suit. 

5.4 Game structure
The level employs a beginning and an end simply like an assault course, the player must pass through the different challenges and reach the end. The obstacles include jumping puzzles, enemies and death pits. 

5.5 Players
Single Player only.

5.6 Actions
Walk, jump, dig.

(dig no longer implemented)

5.7 Objectives
To gather enough of the cure to save everyone he cares about.

6. Graphics
I have gone for a pixel style artwork combined with quite a lighter colour scheme to create something I feel is nice to look at.

6.2 Fonts
Custom fonts

6.3 Colours
Dirt: #624d3a 
Sky: #04386a
Sky2: #4478aa
Character: #e69b1b
Grass: #7bb934
Enemy: #025c02
Enemy2: #092f1a

6.4 Influences

The whole idea of my game derived from the idea of a Minesweeper remake.


The digging and artwork influence came from this game.
6.5 Look & Feel

Character design:

Level Design:

Enemy Design:

7. Data storage
No data storage used. 

8. Gameplay
8.1 World
Underground cavers filled with jumping puzzles and enemies to avoid.

8.2 Object types
 - Enemy: kills the player on collision
 - Collectable: Win when all are picked up, disappears when player collides with object.

8.3 Controls
Arrow keys for left and right movement, Z for jump

8.4 Direct control

8.5 Indirect control
No other control used.

9. Supported hardware
No other supported hardware.

10. Screens & Menus
No start screen used.

“x/x collected” (never got implemented)

Pause screen not implemented

No options implemented.

No real game over scenario, level restarts on player death. 

Published on Kongregate!

Game is completed for now!

Still needs a lot of work doing to it, I am no where near happy with it but the work so far can be found here:

Collect the Cure

Today I added a collectible item, the idea of the game is to now go through each level avoiding the enemy or "smog" and collect all the vials of the cure, when all are collected the level should end.

Sunday, 9 December 2012


I have now created the virus character and given it a few different behaviors. When the player comes into contact with the virus he will die (character vanishes) but so far I am unable to figure out how to make the scene reload itself.

Now all I have to do is finish off the enemy, make sure the scene reloads when the player is killed and add a win condition.

Update / Level Design

After failing with finding out how to create the game I originally set out to create I have now opted to go for a platformer game as the deadline is getting closer and I do not see me figuring this out in the allotted time, I may continue to work on this after I hand it in as I would really like to create the game I initially wanted to. 

Since it is now only a simple platformer game I have created an assault course type level and now need to go on to add enemies and a win scenario, audio and other touch-ups may come if I have time. 

Here is my level design:


After doing a ton of research and experimentation with Stencyl I still cannot figure out how to create my unique game play mechanic. The idea of having a MineSweeper mechanic to the game is starting to look unlikely.

I am still trying to find a way to have the game work like the original MineSweeper but if I cannot find out how to do this soon I'll end up having to resort to a bog standard platformer game.

Game Preview

Here is how my Tiles, Background and Idle Character all look when fitted together, this is a running version of my game and I have full movement of my character. 
Now I need to start figuring out how I can implement my unique game mechanic to really make this game my own and stand out from others.